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Nashville Mold Damage Remediation & Restoration

what is involved with mold remediation?

At the first sign of mold in the home, turn to ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by GM for help! Mold remediation is a complex process that involves identifying and removing mold from a disease-causing environment. It generally includes inspecting for water damage, finding the source of the moisture, cleaning contaminated areas with disinfectants, using specialized chemicals to prevent further growth, and disposing of moldy materials properly.

In some cases, it also may involve remodeling or repairs to restore damaged walls and ceilings due to water intrusion. The key thing to remember when it comes to mold remediation is sealing off the affected area after remediation so that no further mold contamination can occur. With correct planning and implementation, the risk of future problems caused by mold will be greatly reduced.

Contact us online or call(615) 640-3495 for mold remediation services in Nashville, TN.

What Dangers Come with Mold?

Mold is one of the worst things you can find in your home. Not only because it can easily begin in as little as 48 hours after water damage under the right conditions, but mold can also go undetected for even longer periods. Whether found behind a wall, under a baseboard, or hidden near a window, mold in the home can easily wreak havoc and quickly grow into a full-blown infestation if you’re not careful.

Even the smallest patch of mold growing in your home can lead to damaging your:

  • Health
  • Structural integrity
  • HVAC system
  • Roofing
  • Gutters
  • Furniture

Of course, this is just a small example of what negative effects mold can bring into your life. Avoid serious damage to your home and health by getting things professionally restored as soon as you’re able after it’s discovered or your home is dealt water damage.

What’s Included in Mold Damage Removal Services?

Within one call, ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by GM will start removing the mold from your home. We’ll schedule a time to come out as soon as possible and:

  • Inspect the Area – We’ll inspect your entire home for signs of mold and water damage. If we notice water damage, we’ll locate the source to put a stop to it.
  • Test for Mold – Using our tried-and-true mold testing kits, we’ll confirm if you have mold in your home even if we can’t visibly spot it.
  • Create a Plan – Once mold has been confirmed, we’ll work on creating a plan that includes all the proper steps to remove any mold from your home and prevent future mold problems from popping up again.
  • Restore – After the mold and affected areas have been isolated, our team will use trusted processes to successfully restore your home’s appearance and environment for your family.

Call on the Professionals for Mold Removal in Nashville

Mold removal is not a DIY process we, or many others, would recommend. Doing so without the proper tools, chemicals, and safety equipment can cause major health problems and mold spores to spread throughout the home. Our professionals have completed intensive mold removal training and utilize highly advanced processes for handling mold claims.

Request Your Mold Damage Repair Services Today!

mold on wallRegardless of the type of mold found in your home, where it’s located, or what may be offering it the right conditions to grow, be sure to turn to ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by GM for help. We’re turned to by customers time and time again because we’re open around the clock, trusted by countless families and businesses in Nashville, and rely on trusted mold remediation systems that have been used coast to coast for over 65 years!

Give us a call at(615) 640-3495 or contact us online to learn more about our mold restoration services and toschedule your mold removal.

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